There is no Recent Data to Display for this Station
Temeperate Rain Forest


This station has 30,087 daily observations. Dated from June 28, 1934 until March 31, 2024.

The data for this station is 80.7% complete, 91.8% of the daily records are available, of which 88.0% of that data is complete.


Today (April 25) in Weather History for Grizzly, Oregon

Records For This Day:

Max High: 82° recorded in 1946
Min High: 41° recorded in 1984
Max Low: 42° recorded in 2005, 1956, 1946
Min Low: 19° recorded in 2009
Max Precip: 0.70" recorded in 1989
Max Snowfall: 1.0" recorded in 1974, 1967, 1955