Comparing Frequencies of Warm Records against Frequencies of Cold Records per Year

I have been asked about the frequency counts of station records being broken. Are there more cold records or more warm records over time? This report was developed with that question in mind. It will allow you to select various parameters and then display a chart of the normalized record frequencies.  * 



Select Your Chart Parameters:

Select the range of years you wish to compare against. Current settings: 1950 - 2025


Select the set of record levels you wish to include. Current settings: All-Time Records, Monthly Records, Daily Records

    All-Time Records
    Monthly Records
    Daily Records

Select the warm record types and cold record type you wish to use. Current settings: Warm Records [Record Highs, Record Warm Lows], Cold Records [Record Cold Highs, Record Lows]

       Record Highs
       Record Warm Lows

       Record Cold Highs
       Record Lows

Select the months you wish to include the records from. Current settings: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec


 January  April  July  October
 February  May  August  November
 March  June  September  December

Select the stations you wish to use. When you filter the stations, any selection not visible will still be included.  *  Selected stations: 0

Select Station Total Years Earliest Record



* Station Criteria: For a station to be used it must have at least 30 years of available data and must be at least 95% complete. If you do not see a particular station, this would be the reason for that.
* Normalized Values: As this data aggregates and counts only broken records and not tied ones, against all selected stations the total number of stations used in any particular year may change. If a raw count of records broken were used it would be skewed by the total available stations for that year. More specifically there are more stations now than in the past. Because of this a raw count of the records would seem to be higher in more recent years. To normalize this, all counts are divided by the number of available stations in that year. The raw counts are still available in data table at the bottom of the page after a report is built.